Monday, April 16, 2007


Today was a good day!
The sun actually felt great today!
My back hurts! But this cant be helped anymore!
Today is a beautiful!
The ugly tree next door looked beautiful!
Work didn’t seem so bad!

Life doesn’t seem so bad. With the passing of the day, I realized I am not alone. My friendshave gone through life with me. A very dear friend of mine has been a big influence in my life and the fact is that I eventually look for her approval more than anything. In a way I think all of us look for approval in someone or the other. When life seems so low, and she knows exactly what to do to life your spirits, you feel a sense of warmth. I have gotta run now, coz If I start writing about this, I can go on and on. Why is it that I am suddenly filled with such a warmth that I’m smiling again.

Yes, Today is a Beautiful Day!

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